


发布于2020年3月5日12:00 AM

乔治亚州农场局对他们的工作感到无比自豪 妇女领导委员会, whose purpose is to promote agriculture through education and to expand participation in all phases of agriculture in order to build leadership and achieve a more effective organization.

我们最近有幸采访了希瑟·凯布, 现任妇女领导委员会主席, 更多地了解是什么驱使她和其他成员.

她在伊拉的祖父母的牛场和肉鸡场出生和长大, 希瑟·凯布在农业环境中长大, 但她对这个行业的热爱直到成年后才开始绽放. 要么开拖拉机,要么在亚洲体育博彩平台做志愿者, 希瑟是被引诱进来的, 她的激情被点燃了.



我在乔治亚州伊拉的祖父母的牛场和肉鸡场出生和长大. My dad spent several years as an ABS field rep before he began managing an Angus seedstock operation, 而我的母亲是一名药剂师,但我童年的大部分时间都在农场度过. Even though I was surrounded by hard working farmers I didn’t grasp a love for agriculture until much later in life. 高中和大学期间我一直打垒球,结婚后不久也一直打垒球, 将, 在2010年,我意识到我将与农业建立什么样的关系. After promising myself I would NEVER marry a “chicken farmer” I found God’s sense of humor ever present by sending me a man with more chicken houses than I grew up with as a child. Farming has this way of luring you in and making you love it if you let it have the slightest bit of opportunity and that is SO very true in my case. 肉牛比以往任何时候都更吸引人, driving a tractor during hay season became a goal and even the chicken houses didn’t seem so bad. I even remember calling my dad on several occasions to tell him this “new” revolutionary thing I had learned about cattle (only to hear him chuckle, 因为一直都是这样.



The GFB Women’s Committee is maybe one of the most selfless groups of people I’ve ever found myself associated with. Each and every one of them takes a snippet of time out of their busy schedules and dedicates it to teaching people of all ages about agriculture. 我们鼓励彼此尝试新事物, learn from each others successes and failures and most of all find ways to share the importance of farming with the world around us. 总之, 这是与学生互动的最佳途径, 老师, 全国各地的消费者和志愿者在哪里吃饭, fuel and fiber originate straight from the farmers that spend their days providing these things.



I want to bridge the gap and rid of the stigma that comes with what has always been known as the “women’s committee”. This group of ladies works hard to add flavor to lessons on farming that are entertaining and educational for students, 教师与消费者. I feel like with young children of my own I have a unique perspective to bring to Ag in the Classroom efforts that I hope will encourage more young women to want to be involved with the Women’s Committee.



在我看来, there is no better avenue for consumers to learn about where their food comes from than from the farmers that grow it. 作为农业领域的女性, we have a unique opportunity to share our story from the farm in a way that connects with consumers on a personal level. 的妈妈们, 老师 and students find common ground with women on the farm and through education outreaches such as Ag in the Classroom we have an outlet that allows 乔治亚州农场局 ladies to invest their time into future generations.



My Father-in-law was Agency Manager at our county office at the time and so the love for GFB was strong in our family. He encouraged us to be as involved as we could with GFB because the future of our livelihood depended on us telling our story. 所以我们发现自己在YF&R计划,然后担任县主委、第二地区主委,并在后来蒙祝福担任GFB YF&2016年R州主席. I was convinced that this organization was somewhere we could find life-long friendships that were rooted in serving God through our efforts on the farm.


How have you become a stronger leader in your county and across the state because of your involvement with the Women’s Committee?

The Women’s Committee was the next step for me and because it pushed me to serve in as an individual has driven me outside of my comfort zone and caused me to find a leadership that I never knew I could posses. 我被鼓励去请求老师允许我去和他们的学生互动, excited to plan and host ag literacy events and most of all I am compelled to share what agriculture does for our generation and the ones to follow.



Nothing compares to seeing a child’s face light up when they taste something they previously said they didn’t like and changed their mind after a farm story and ag lesson. When a parent or teacher expresses their concerns over misleading agriculture facts and wants to engage in conversation takes this service to a whole other level. Being able to provide ag accurate information that immediately eases concerns along with interacting with students is definitely “my why” for involvement with the Women’s Committee.


在农场帮忙, 对父母, 在家教育孩子和做志愿者, 你是如何平衡这一切的?

Being a part of a family farm means that I am blessed with the most incredible support system on the planet... 认真. 将’s parents are in walking distance on the farm and my parents are less than 30 minutes south still residing on the family farm where I grew up. Both sets of parents know first hand what it takes to raise a family on a working farm and I am so thankful they are as close as they are. 在家上学和做志愿者是相辅相成的. The freedom that schooling at home allows goes directly into what I take to the classrooms that I visit. 时间管理总是一个难题, but you have time for what you make time for and for now I’ll rely on a husband that turns tractor riding into Bible Story time, grandparents that always need extra little farm hands for chores and direction from the Good Lord to get it all done.